
1  範圍

1.1 本一般購買條件適用於Sika從供應商購買的所有貨物(“貨物”)並納入Sika向供應商簽發的每份購買訂單(“訂單”),除非Sika與供應商(各自稱為“單方”,合稱為“雙方”)已達成單獨的書面供應協定。對本一般購買條件和Sika所發訂單的修改只有經雙方以書面形式同意後方為有效。供應商的一般銷售條件僅在經Sika書面接受後適用。

1.2 所供貨物的種類、數量以及所要求的貨物規格在訂單和或Sika提供給供應商的所有其他書面文件中以及供應商的要約中確定。如具有相同性質的合同檔之間就待供貨物種類、數量以及所要求的貨物規格出現不一致的情況,則以最新日期的文件為準。

2  訂單

2.1 Sika以書面形式發出訂單。口頭訂單僅在經書面確認後有效。

2.2 訂單從Sika收到供應商相應的訂單確認書或者開始交付相應貨物(以較早發生者為準)時視為接受。供應商在其接受、確認或承認Sika訂單時所列明的變更、修改或修訂訂單和本一般購買條件條款的任何及一切條款條件或條文均不予採納並歸為無效。2.3

3  購買價格和支付條款。

3.1 除非另有規定,訂單中所示的購買價格包括包裝費、全部稅款、費用、關稅、送貨費(根據商定的交付條款)以及與交付有關的任何其他收費。購買價格還涵蓋供應商在本訂單項下提供的一切服務。
3.2 支付條款在訂單中規定。

4  交付

4.1 除非另行書面商定,貨物的交付時間如訂單所規定。商定的交付時間至關重要,對於因交付延遲而給Sika造成的任何及一切損害(包括但不限於間接損害),供應商應承擔賠償責任。供應商除履行按時交付義務外,必須將任何可能延遲交付貨物的情況立即通知Sika。只有經Sika同意,方允許部分交付。
4.2 在交付貨物的同時,供應商還應交付為使用貨物所需的和/或在訂單中所規定的一切技術文件和證書。
4.3 除非訂單中另有規定,交付條款為完稅後交貨(《2010年國際貿易術語解釋通則》)至Sika訂單中指定的地點。

4.4 在按照商定的交付條款交付貨物後,利益和風險應轉移至Sika。

5  保證

5.2 Sika檢驗交付貨物的義務僅限於正確的貨物種類和正確的數量。Sika在保證期內的每一次核對總和對瑕疵的每一次通知均應被視為及時作出;Sika不受特定通知期的限制和約束。
5.3 如果貨物與訂單不符,Sika有權自行決定要求對瑕疵貨物進行修理或更換,或者要求交付缺失的部分;上述要求不影響Sika在本一般購買條件或法律項下的其他權利,包括但不限於撤銷訂單的權利以及主張間接損害賠償的權利。
5.4 如果Sika拒絕接收,Sika應儘快通知供應商,並說明導致拒收的原因。Sika有權選擇將被拒收的貨物退回給供應商或者暫留貨物至供應商在5個工作日內向Sika發出進一步如何處置指示。

6  保密

6.1 不論供應商是通過口頭還是書面形式從Sika獲得的一切資料和資訊僅限於為履行訂單而使用。該等所有資料和資訊均仍為Sika的財產,如果該等資料和資訊以書面形式提供,則供應商應在Sika首次要求後立即將其與所有影本一起退還給Sika。
6.2 供應商應對所有資料和資訊予以嚴格保密,未經Sika事先書面批准,供應商不得在任何出版物、廣告中或以其他口頭或書面形式提及該等資料和資訊,亦不得提及供應商向Sika供貨或已向Sika供貨的事實。

7  不當履約


8 補充條款

8.1 在某一特定情況下主張或放棄某項權利不得被視為放棄Sika的任何合同權利或法定權利。
8.2 未經Sika事先同意,訂單不得轉讓給第三方。雖有前述規定,雙方理解並同意Sika有權將訂單轉讓給Sika集團的其他公司。8.3

General Purchase Conditions


1.1. These General Purchase Conditions apply to all goods purchased by Sika ("Goods") from Supplier and are incorporated into every Purchase Order issued by Sika to Supplier (“Order”) except where Sika and Supplier (each a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties’) have concluded a separate written supply agreement. Modifications to these General Purchase Conditions or the Order placed by Sika are only valid, if they have been agreed upon by both Parties in writing. General Sales Conditions of the Supplier only apply if accepted in writing by Sika.


1.2. Type of Goods to be supplied, their quantity and their required specifications of the Goods are defined in the Order and/or all other written documentation made available by Sika to Supplier and in Supplier's offer. In case of conflicts between contractual documents of the same nature with respect to the type of Goods to be supplied, their quantity and their required specifications, the document bearing the later date has priority.


2.1. Orders are placed by Sika in writing. Oral orders are only valid if confirmed in writing.

 2.2. The Order is deemed accepted upon receipt of an according Order confirmation from Supplier or upon beginning of the delivery of the according Goods, whichever occurs earlier.  Any and all terms conditions, or provisions specified by Supplier in its acceptance, confirmation or acknowledgement of Sika’s Order that change, modify or differ from the terms of the Order and these General Purchase Conditions are rejected and null and void.

2.3. Sika reserves the right to request adjustments to Orders. Supplier shall use best efforts to comply with such requests. The Parties mutually agree on any amendments to the Purchase Price, if any, as a result of such adjustments.


3.1. Unless otherwise stated the Purchase Price indicated in the
Order includes packaging, all taxes (but with the exclusion of any value
added tax, if applicable), fees, duties, delivery charges (in
accordance with agreed delivery terms) and any other charges applicable
to the deliveries. It also covers all services provided by Supplier
under this Order.
3.2. Payment terms are as stated in the Order. 


4.1. Unless agreed otherwise in writing delivery time for the Goods is as stated in the Order. The agreed delivery time is of the essence and Supplier shall be liable for any and all damages, including without limitation consequential damages, incurred by Sika as a result of a delay in delivery. Without limiting its duty to deliver on time Supplier must immediately notify Sika of any circumstances which may delay the delivery of the Goods. Partial deliveries are only permitted if agreed by Sika.

 4.2. Together with the delivery of Goods, Supplier shall also deliver all technical documentation and certificates as required for the use of the Goods and / or as stated in the Order.

 4.3. Unless otherwise stated in the Order, delivery term is DDP (Incoterms 2010) to the place named in Sika's order.

4.4. Benefits and risk shall pass to Sika upon delivery of the Goods in accordance with the agreed delivery terms.


5.1. Supplier guarantees that all Goods delivered are in conformity with the Order either for the period as stated in the Order or as provided by the applicable law, whichever is longer ("Guarantee Period"). This means that the Goods will be fit for the purpose for which Sika destines them, provided that either the Supplier has been informed of such purpose or the same was otherwise reasonably known to it. Supplier further guarantees that the Goods are in conformity with the agreed specifications and approved samples, that they are of sound workmanship, of good quality and free from faults in design, construction, manufacture and material, that they (and their manufacture and transport to the place of destination) satisfy all mandatory regulations relating to, inter alia, registration, classification, labelling and packaging, valid in the countries of delivery and destination and that they do not infringe any third party's intellectual property rights.

5.2. Sika's obligation to inspect the delivered Goods is limited to correct type of Goods and correct quantity. Every inspection and notification of defects by Sika within the Guarantee Period shall be deemed as having been made in time; Sika is not bound to a certain notice period.

 5.3.  If the Goods are not in conformity with the Order, Sika may, at its discretion, require that the defective Goods be repaired or replaced, or that the missing part or parts be delivered, without prejudice to Sika’s other rights under these General Purchase Conditions or under the law, including but not limited to right to rescind the Order and the right to claim consequential damages.

 5.4.  In the event of rejection, Sika shall inform Supplier as soon as possible thereof, giving the reason which lead to the rejection. At Sika’s discretion, rejected goods will be returned by Sika to Supplier or retained by Sika until Supplier has given Sika further instructions as to their disposal within 5 working days.


6.1. All data and information obtained from Sika whether verbally or in writing shall be applied by the Supplier for the execution of the Order(s) only. All such data and information shall remain Sika’s property and if in written form shall be returned to Sika immediately upon its first request, together with all copies thereof.

6.2. All data and information shall be kept in strictest confidence by the Supplier and he shall not refer thereto nor to the fact that he supplies or has supplied Sika in any publications, advertisements or other verbal or written form unless with Sika’s prior written approval.


Improper performance of the Supplier will render the Supplier in default immediately, without notice of default being required. The Supplier must compensate Sika for all damage resulting from negligence of the Supplier in the performance of the Order or of a wrongful act of the Supplier, which includes all damages incurred by Sika as a result of third party claims.


8.1. Late assertion of a right or waiving a right in a particular case shall not be deemed as a waiver of any of Sika's contractual or statutory rights.

 8.2. The Order may not be assigned to a third party without Sika's prior consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is understood and agreed that Sika shall be entitled to assign the Order to other companies of the Sika Group.

 8.3.  All offers, Orders, contracts and these General Purchase Conditions shall be governed by the material laws of the country in which Sika has its legal domicile. The UN Convention on International Sale of Goods (“CISG”) shall not apply. All disputes between Sika and the Supplier that ensue from an Order will be submitted the Court having jurisdiction over Sika, without prejudice to Sika’s right to submit a dispute to the court that would be competent absent this clause.